Pennsylvania's Energy Efficiency Programs

For Industrial, Commercial, and Residential Users:
Act 129 Programs – Large Electric Utilities Only
Act 129 is Pennsylvania’s flagship energy efficiency law. It requires electric distribution companies with over 100,000 customers to reduce energy use within their service territories. The program serves all customer classes—including industrial, commercial, and both low-income and non-low-income residential—in covered utility territories.
Duquesne Light, PPL, PECO, and the FirstEnergy Companies (Met-Ed, Penelec, Penn Power, West Penn Power) are covered by Act 129. Find program offerings here:
Voluntary Utility Programs
Utilities not covered by Act 129 may also run energy efficiency programs. UGI Electric and several natural gas companies participate. Find program offerings here:
Columbia Gas
Leatherstocking Gas
PECO (Gas)
UGI Electric

For Low-Income Residents:
Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)
WAP is a federally funded program available to households with income below 200% of the federal poverty level, with a variety of prioritization factors. Direct weatherization services are provided through a network of public and non-profit agencies serving all 67 counties. Weatherization services primarily involve diagnostic assessment of air leakage, health and safety repairs, electric baseload measures and client energy education.
WAP is administered at the county level. Check with your local administrator.
Low-Income Usage Reduction Program (LIURP) – Electric & Gas
LIURP requires both gas and electric distribution companies of a certain size to provide energy-saving measures to low-income households. Households with incomes below 150% of the federal poverty level (or below 200% in some cases) are eligible. Utilities must prioritize households with high usage. Utilities provide free in-home and/or virtual energy assessments and then provide appropriate energy-saving products and services. Tenants must get landlord approval to participate.
Check with your local utility for program offerings. Similar to Act 129, smaller utilities and rural cooperatives are not required to participate.
Whole-Home Repairs
The Whole-Home Repairs Program provides funding for county-wide agencies to address habitability and safety concerns, take measures to improve energy or water efficiency, and make units accessible for individuals with disabilities. Homeowner households with income up to 80% of area median income are eligible for home repair grants, and small landlords are eligible for loans that are forgivable under certain tenant-protection circumstances. This program addresses safety, habitability, and structural issues that often prevent low-income households from participating in WAP, LIURP, and Act 129 programs.
64 of 67 counties administer Whole-Home Repairs, but many have exhausted their current funding. Check with the Department of Community & Economic Development for a list of administrators.

Financing for Commercial Properties:
C-PACE (includes multifamily)
Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) is a financial tool for commercial property owners to obtain low-cost, long-term financing for energy-efficient equipment, renewable energy, water conservation, resiliency, and indoor air quality projects. It leverages only private capital and places a special voluntary assessment on the property, which attaches the loan payment to the property tax bill. Counties must adopt an ordinance for property owners in their jurisdiction to participate. 28 counties have C-PACE programs.
Green Energy Loan Fund (includes multifamily and local government buildings)
The Green Energy Loan Fund is a revolving loan program run through the Department of Environmental Protection. This revolving loan fund finances energy conservation and efficiency improvements of retrofits, gut rehabs, and new construction in commercial properties, nonprofit facilities, local government buildings, multifamily residential buildings, and industrial plants. Building owners, developers, and commercial tenants are all eligible and can apply for loans of $100,000 – $2,500,000+.
Small Business Advantage Grants
The Small Business Advantage Grant provides reimbursement ranging from 50-80% of the eligible project costs of improving energy efficiency or reducing pollution or waste. Businesses with under 100 employees are eligible, and the maximum grant award is $8,000. The 2023-2024 deadline has passed, but applications will re-open this summer for the 2024-2025 program.
Pollution Prevention Assistance Account (PPAA) Loan Program
PPAA provides low-interest, fixed-rate loans to small businesses undertaking projects which reduce waste, pollution or energy use. Businesses with under 100 employees are eligible. Loans of up to $100,000 have a fixed rate of 2% and a maximum term of 10 years. They can be used to fund up to 75% of the project.

For Homeowners:
KEEP (Keystone Energy Efficiency Program) Home Energy Loan
KEEP Home Energy Loans provide 100% financing for homeowners making energy efficiency improvements ranging from $2,500-$25,000. Qualifying improvements must fit into approved categories and include efficient heating, cooling, and water heating, insulation and air sealing, and windows and doors. Customers work with an approved contractor and must have a credit approval.

For Schools and Government Entities:
Guaranteed Energy Savings Act (GESA)
The Guaranteed Energy Savings Act allows schools and other government entities a streamlined way to procure large-scale energy efficiency upgrades with no upfront cost. Projects must use approved contractors, and costs are paid by future operational savings yielded through energy reductions.

For Farms:
Agricultural Energy Efficiency
The DEP maintains a webpage of resources specific to agriculture businesses, including periodic state rebate opportunities. This webpage also directs you to other applicable programs, ranging from federal funding for agricultural energy efficiency to the small business opportunities listed above.