10.10.19 - 11.15.19
In April of 2020, the Energy Efficiency Alliance will proudly host the second Industry Forum on Energy Efficiency. The agenda this year offers more space and time for exhibitors and networking, and kicks off with an evening of cocktails and conversation. The full-day forum will feature breakout sessions in three tracks: Healthcare, Food Services, and Higher Education. By focusing on the specific and unique concerns of the three most energy-intensive industries, this event will bring best practices for energy savings and sustainability to the forefront.
We want you to feature you and your work! We invite all prospective presenters to share cutting-edge technology innovations, best practices, and inspiring case studies for projects that help large energy users reduce their energy use, become more efficient, and promote sustainability to combat climate change. While healthcare, higher education, and food service institutions have admittedly large footprints, these industries also boast some of the most exciting energy savings opportunities.
The 2020 Industry Forum on Energy Efficiency represents a can’t-miss opportunity to bring together the energy efficiency communities in Pennsylvania and New Jersey with the most energy-intensive industries to explore new approaches to energy reduction and sustainability programs. If you work in this field and have something to say, please submit your proposal by November 15th. More details below!
Proposal & Presentation Guidelines
- Proposals are due on the 15th of November, 2019
- Submissions should include a synopsis of the presentation and the names of all presenters
- Presentations should represent no more than 75 minutes of material
- Please note that some presenters may be asked to participate in a panel rather than a standalone presentation
- Full presentations will need to be submitted 14 days prior to the Forum